General Corporate and Commercial Law

  • Incorporations, re-organisation and restructuring
  • Relationship with competitors, suppliers and customers
  • Contract Law
  • Foreign investment projects
  • Liquidation and dissolution of companies
  • Privatisation

We have been engaged in extensive and major corporate and commercial law work over the years and the expertise of our legal team spans wide with, among others, involvement in the privatization of the mining sector in Zambia.  RCA has advised the major telecommunications provider in the country, being involved in the acquisition of the shares and equity held in the corporation on two major acquisitions of the business.  We have advised and undertaken the task of setting up high value investment projects from inception in the agricultural, mining and tourism sectors.  We have resolved the complex environmental and socio-economic issues that are attendant upon such huge greenfield projects.  We have advised and set up a mining operation from the conceptual stage up to full production.